Following on from the success of the 9 REPAIR IT events held last year in Devon, we are pleased to announce that a new Exeter Repair Café will be launched on 18 February 2017 at St Sidwell’s Community Centre.
To find out more about future similar events or to volunteer your skills, please get in touch with Emma on 07966 566435 or via or visit recycledevon.org/repair-it
Recycle Devon is a countywide waste campaign representing a partnership of 10 Devon authorities; namely the eight Devon District Authorities, Devon County Council and Torbay Council.
Devon County Council’s Re-use Project promotes re-use of durable household items – specifically clothes, electrical goods, furniture and bicycles through a programme of public, community and third sector engagement.
The REPAIR IT events have been funded by the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Distributor Take Back Scheme.
For more information:
- visit recycledevon.org
- find us on facebook.com/recycledevon
- follow us on twitter.com/recycledevon
- subscribe to youtube.com/yourrecycledevon
- follow us on pinterest.com/recycledevon
- follow us on instagram.com/recycle.devon