Talk & Social – Blue Tech for a Blue Planet and How You Can Get Involved

Talk & Social – Blue Tech for a Blue Planet and How You Can Get Involved

Blue Tech for a Blue Planet

21 March 2025
City Gate Hotel, Iron Bridge, Exeter

Prof. Mike Allen, an associate professor at the University of Exeter and CSO of SeaGen, will be talking about the work of SeaGen.

SeaGen are a group of inventors, risk takers and out of the box thinkers who believe that anything is possible and are using their imagination and skill to monitor and support nature, increase food and water security, replace oil based materials and decarbonise the atmosphere. In his talk, Mike will give a brief overview of his work and will talk about how we can partner with SeaGen to improve the health of our water bodies.

This talk has been arranged by ChangeMakers – Events and Socials for People and Planet

More information and sign up on the event page at MeetUp